dilluns, 3 d’octubre del 2016

The postcards are on their way to Postdam (Germany)

The students of 1st and 2nd ESO participate in an E-Twinning project, together with a school from Postdam (Germany), called: you, me, us. From Spain to Germany. What do we have in common?

The aims of the project are:
• to motivate the students to use a foreign language with real purpose.
• to value the communicative purposes of learning a foreign language.
• to improve the student’s foreign language skills (in English).
• to speak about themselves, to exchange personal information and to describe aspects of school life in a foreign language.
• to learn cultural aspects of another country.
• (inter)cultural education.
• working with the internet (e-mail, etc.).

The idea is that the pupils compare their customs, habits and school life, so that at the end of the project they will have produced some material in different formats containing the given information.

We’ll keep you updated!!